16 december 2016Kaspersky Lab has officially released Kaspersky Software Updater – a free application for Windows computers that makes it quick and easy to update software, thereby eliminating potential security holes before cybercriminals exploit them.
8 november 2016Small businesses faced eight times more ransomware attacks in the third quarter of 2016 than the third quarter of 2015.
1 november 2016Research from Kaspersky Lab shows that the debate over whether ransomware victims should pay up could be redundant because large numbers don’t actually get their files back even if they have paid the cyber criminals
31 oktober 2016Kaspersky Lab has released a report on botnet-assisted DDoS attacks for the third quarter of 2016 based on data received from Kaspersky DDoS Intelligence
26 september 2016The latest research from Kaspersky Lab and B2B International has raised concerns about the safety of over-55s online
19 september 2016Kaspersky Lab is proud to announce completion and full availability of its Machine-Readable Threat Intelligence Platform, part of the Kaspersky Security Intelligence Services product range
16 september 2016The Corporate IT Security Risks 2016* study shows that for the majority of victims DDoS attacks are not a one-off occurrence, with many companies subjected to multiple attacks in the last year.
7 september 2016 According to the research Corporate IT Security Risks 2016 conducted by Kaspersky Lab, last year one cryptomalware attack cost small and medium businesses up to $99,000 on average. Despite the fact that cybercriminals do not guarantee the return of...
28 juli 2016Advanced threat intelligence now available as a service for enterprise customers.
9 juni 2016To protect their privacy, paranoid users are turning to a multitude of methods to keep their personal data away from prying eyes in the online world, including hiding their computers.
7 juni 2016Peer pressure is having a big impact on how children communicate with each other, making them more dependent on staying connected to the Internet, according to new research carried out by Kaspersky Lab and iconKids & Youth.
6 juni 2016SLTN Inter Access verzorgt trainingen
5 juni 2016Kaspersky Lab announces the availability of Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security, a targeted enterprise-grade solution designed to protect ATMs, Point-Of-Sale systems and point of service machines
2 februari 2016(Staats)organisaties met streng informatiebeveiligingsbeleid profiteren dankzij Kaspersky Private Security Network van actuele informatie over dreigingen
7 januari 2016 Van cyberpesten tot ongepaste content: ruim de helft van de ouders – 52 procent – is doordrongen van het feit dat hun kinderen online met steeds meer gevaren kunnen worden geconfronteerd. Toch gaat slechts 39 procent van hen hierover met hun...
30 november 2015Online bescherming kinderen vereist integrale aanpak
31 augustus 2015Nieuw beveiligingsproduct van Kaspersky Lab voor thuis bevat uitgebreide privacy-functies
8 juni 2015Scientia potentia est: samenwerkingsverband om kritische infrastructuren te beschermen
30 april 2015Update helpt kleine bedrijven te concentreren op hun kernactiviteiten
16 maart 2015Gratis anti-diefstal app voor Android
28 januari 2015 According to the results of a study conducted by Kaspersky Lab and B2B International, a DDoS attack on a company’s online resources might cause considerable losses – with average figures ranging from $52,000 to $444,000 depending on the size of the...